Wonder by Wonder
Kate Casanova, Corin Hewitt, John Roemer, Kathy Rose, Natascha Seideneck, Lauryn Siegel
Curated by Brooke Tomiello and Rose van Mierlo
Night Lights Denver in conjunction with the Denver Theatre District
Februrary 2020
Wonder by Wonder engages with themes of construction and deconstruction of public, architectural, social, historical or imagined space. Projecting Wonder by Wonder on the landmark Daniels and Fisher Clock Tower will give a platform to both local and national artists at various stages of their career working in a variety of disciplinary fields. Their works ask questions about human traces, historic artifacts, social structures, building the future, and the foundation of the present. Artworks by: Kate Casanova, Corin Hewitt, John Roemer, Kathy Rose, Natascha Seideneck and Lauryn Siegel (in collaboration with Rio Roye). Wonder by Wonder was co-curated by Brooke Tomiello and Rose van Mierlo.
Video documentation by John Roemer
Best watched full screen.
Night Lights Denver is a permanent projection mapping installation from the Denver Theatre District to support innovative artists with an experimental platform, featuring content that rotates on a monthly basis, designed by artists and our local community. NLD projects content onto the Arapahoe Street-facing side of the historic Daniels and Fisher Tower.

Wonder by Wonder

Lauryn Siegel

Natascha Seideneck

Corin Hewitt

Kathy Rose

John Roemer

Kate Casanova